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"I haven’t had to go against them yet. That might happen one day and I’m not looking forward to it."
– Co-Counsel
"I’ll never find a firm that will take my personal needs more to heart than Rusty and his team.”
– RH&A Client

Posts Tagged ‘violations’


ETP Cut Pipeline Pressure To Run Off Enterprise, Jury Told

Rusty Hardin, along with other lawyers from the firm, represents Enterprise Products Partners LP in its lawsuit against Energy Transfer Partners LP alleging ETP unnecessarily and purposefully lowered pressure to an oil and gas pipeline and cost Enterprise more than …

Judge denies HCC protective order request

Houston Community College, which fired its lawyer Renee Byas and then sued her, won't get the protective order it sought last week to seal HCC documents in the court case. Rusty Hardin told the court that HCC sought to fire…

Attorney Derek Hollingsworth Defends Clients in a Variety of Interesting and High Profile Cases

Derek Hollingsworth is profiled here on a legal website. A partner at Rusty Hardin & Associates, he is fortunate enough to represent clients in a wide variety of interesting cases all over the United States. He has a lot of…

After CAA firing, Ben Dogra hires Rusty Hardin

The details regarding CAA's decision to fire agent Ben Dogra for cause remain unclear.  It's becoming clear that a legal fight is looming. According to Liz Mullen of SportsBusiness Journal, Dogra has hired lawyer Rusty Hardin in connection with the termination…

House transparency committee concludes grounds exist for Regent Wallace Hall’s impeachment

In a 7-1 vote Monday, the House transparency committee voted there are sufficient grounds for UT System Regent Wallace Hall's impeachment. The committee will meet on May 21 and 22 to try and determine the nature of specific articles of…

Hardin: Impeachment Recommendations Up to Committee

What the members of the legislative committee investigating University of Texas System Regent Wallace Hall do with a report laying out four potential bases for his impeachment is "entirely up to them," Rusty Hardin, the committee's special counsel, told reporters…

UT Report Cites Possible Grounds for Hall’s Impeachment

There could be grounds to impeach University of Texas Regent Wallace Hall on at least on at least four different counts, according to a report by the special counsel to the legislative committee that has been investigating the controversial gubernatorial appointee.…
