In a 6-1 vote in August, the House Select Committee on Transparency in State Agency Operations approved a motion to admonish and censure University of Texas System Regent Wallace Hall for “misconduct, incompetency in the performance of official duties, or…
In a 7-1 vote Monday, the House transparency committee voted there are sufficient grounds for UT System Regent Wallace Hall's impeachment. The committee will meet on May 21 and 22 to try and determine the nature of specific articles of…
What the members of the legislative committee investigating University of Texas System Regent Wallace Hall do with a report laying out four potential bases for his impeachment is "entirely up to them," Rusty Hardin, the committee's special counsel, told reporters…
There could be grounds to impeach University of Texas Regent Wallace Hall on at least on at least four different counts, according to a report by the special counsel to the legislative committee that has been investigating the controversial gubernatorial appointee.…