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Rusty Hardin to West Texas Jurors: Rich Men Need Justice Too

Rusty Hardin welcomes any opportunity to return to Terry County in West Texas, where his client Smith Energy won an $8.5 million final judgment based on a jury finding that a landman the company had hired committed fraud and theft through their joint oil and gas ventures, reads a story in Texas Lawyer.

It says: “For Hardin, founding partner of Rusty Hardin & Associates in Houston, the outcome ranks as particularly pleasing because before trial he had worried the jury might be affronted by the wealth of the two men in the court battle.

His client, Smith Energy founder Lester Smith, has done well enough in the oil business to be able to donate more than $55 million to Houston hospitals in recent years. The defendant, a landman, made more than $6 million in the proceeds from oil fields in dispute in this case.”

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